• Andrea Kartika Deierlein

    Hello. I am a marketing & communications professional in the New York Greater Area with experience in the U.S., Germany, and Indonesia. Currently I help clients in the areas of website management, email marketing, content development, organization and editing, and CRM-related projects. I am also a Reiki practitioner and teacher with private practice in White Plains, a lifelong learner, big time truth and animal lover.

  • I like to create things, develop solid foundations for work processes, help businesses & organizations grow.


    My work as Communications Officer at the German Center for Research and Innovation, which I helped build and establish, GROOVY Pet Supplies & Services and GROOVY Magazine, where I laid the marketing and editorial groundwork, have proven this. For OKALUX North America, I set up and customized a CRM system based on the company's needs ranging from database to project management.

    I have realized that life is about balance and flexibility for me as well as helping people feel better and live vibrant lives. That's why in addition to my marketing & communications activities, I work as a Reiki practitioner and teacher in private practice. My offerings include workshops on Reiki and mindfulness as well as a Reiki Clinic for the community. Visit www.thrivereiki.com for more information.

  • Work

    Here's a little sampler. Want to know more? Click here.

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    www.corporate.idyoo.com | Global

    Vice President Marketing & Communications

    December 2016 - August 2017


    idyoo™ was building a social network for ideation (to be launched in 2017). idyoo was intended to be the first online idea generating (ideation) platform that uses a technique called "Real-Time Crowd Storming." As part of the globally-located executive team, I planned, directed and executed strategic direction of marketing and communication activities, researched and analyzed target markets, developed and oversaw relationships with constituents and stakeholders.

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    GROOVY Magazine

    Jakarta, Indonesia

    Managing Editor 

    July 2014 – July 2015

    • Editorial direction.
    • Content development and production.
    • Quality control.
    • Distribution of Indonesia's first pet lifestyle magazine in English (Circulation: 5,000).
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    Groovy Pet

    Supplies & Services

    Jakarta, Indonesia

    Director of Marketing & Communications 

    March 2014 – July 2015

    • Created, implemented and measured a comprehensive marketing, communications and public relations program that enhanced the company's image and position within the marketplace and the general public.
    • Assured consistent internal and external brand communication.
    • Media relations and event management.
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    German Center for Research and Innovation

    www.germaninnovation.org | New York, N.Y.

    Communications Officer 

    December 2009 - July 2013


    Responsible for the development and implementation of the organization's online presence, public relations and marketing, including:

    • Concept, project management and maintenance for www.germaninnovation.org - A growing 60+ page portal that showcases the German research and innovation landscape.
    • E-NNOVATION GERMANY newsletter. Concept, development, and editorial direction for 40+ issues.
    • Project management and editorial direction for three Annual Reports.
    • Wrote and published 50+ press releases.
    • Twitter strategy, concept, and implementation for @gcri_ny.
    • Project management for www.germaninnovation.info - The entry portal to the German Houses of Research and Innovation initiative of the German Federal Government's Internationalization Strategy. 


    Ask not what the world needs.

    Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it.

    Because what the world needs

    is people who have come alive.

    - Howard Thurman

  • Testimonials

    "Andrea Deierlein is a highly motivated, responsible, and well-connected individual who has exceptionally strong interpersonal and intercultural skills. I have collaborated with Andrea on a regular basis from 2011 to 2013 and have been consistently impressed by her attention to detail as well as her ability to structure and coordinate complex projects that address the specific needs of her diverse clientele."

    - Andrea Diewald, Director, Innovation and Startup Relations

    "Andrea Deierlein is a charm professional. I turned to Ms. Deierlein to assist me with redoing my resume; but she repacked me as a professional. Not only did I get a resume rewrite, Ms. Deierlein helped me rethink how I was marketing myself, what professional direction I was taking, and how to position myself in person and online. Since working with her, new and better opportunities have opened for me. I have used her advice again and again. Working with her has probably been the best investment I made in quite a while."

    - Peter Manda, Attorney


    If you believe in what you are doing, but are at a loss for words, need marketing, PR, strategy, web support... we should talk.